Thursday, 7 June 2012

My first YouTube video

I am Arayha on the Lush Online Forum and over the bank holiday weekend I ran the 'Guess the mystery product' competition in the VIP thread. The winner was Moonshadow and she won two tickets from me to go to Lush Fest (and later I found out she had won another four tickets by winning another two competitions! So very lucky - she will be picking my lottery numbers for sure).

I pulled names out of a hat to pick the winner and announced it via the following video:

Please take a moment to watch it and giggle at how I do the following:

  • Fail to notice I had started recording
  • The broken nervous speech from lack of practice
  • My voice - I had no idea I sounded so... well, posh
  • Not knowing how to finish and adding the classic cringe-worthy "byyyye!"
Oh Dear! I guess it can only get better for me YouTube wise from now on.

I also won two tickets myself as a thank you from Hilary for running a competition. I can't use them though. I am otherwise engaged on that weekend. You have no idea how 'gutted' I feel about that.

I am a nice person though, so I donated my two tickets one each to two other forumites; Jadeybum and Neonie.

I will have to try very hard not to look at any photos from Lush Fest 2012, I will be just too jealous.


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