Monday, 11 June 2012

A Day of Surprises

I sent a package off last week to Big Harry (Lush Times Editor) containing three little plushies of his favorite products; Big Blue ballistic, Amandopondo bubble bar and Geophyzz ballistic. I didn't really think too much of it apart from that they would be a nice little surprise for him.

I awoke today to this:

(Image from Lush Limited Facebook page)

One of Harry's work colleagues had given them their own photoshoot and posted the picture on the Lush Limited Facebook page (Here) and their Twitter account (Here). Very cheeky, but I approve.

There were over 400 'likes' and many complimentary comments about them, which really overwhelmed me. I have in the past received negative comments about Lushie Plushies in general since they're not everyone's cup of tea, but to see so many positive comments really made me smile. Thank you.

Another surprise today was receiving good news about some special guests for a summer fair I'm helping out at (all hush hush for now) and finding out that the tent I'm hoping to get will have free delivery. Very happy.

I'm going to be getting a Bell Tent for a few camping trips next year. Yes, I admit it, I fell for the looks but it's a good tent anyway. Here's an image of a bell tent with some pretty bunting - a feature I hope to recreate for my own tent:

(Image from

 This particular tent is by Strawberry Hills and is being sold for £450 Here. I love the clean lines and vintage cuteness of the tent in this picture.

For now I will day dream of  'Glamping'.



KayleighKMUA said...

I saw this picture and was very happy for you! How could anyone not like the lushie plushies? They are adorable!

Arayha said...

Thanks :) I think they are cute, I have my own Youki-Hi one that I keep with my stash so it smells of jasmine!